finding flow

Finding flow is like navigating the vast seas of our inner world. By immersing ourselves in the soothing embrace of nature, we connect with the timeless wisdom it holds, and as we dive into the depths of our emotions, we sail through the intricate currents of our soul, finding a harmonious and transformative flow that resonates with the rythms of the natural world.

Finding flow is a catalyst for systemic change. By cultivating flow in our daily lives we not only elevate our health and life quality but also contribute to a broader transformation — reshaping our communities, institutions, and societies toward a healthier, more balanced, and genuinely well world.

Finding Flow is an ongoing process that provides direction and depth to one's personal and professional journey. It also provides a framework for handling changes and challenges with clarity and purpose.


The life we lead can act as a significant hindrance to finding flow. In the hustle and bustle of modern life, characterized by constant busyness, digital distractions, and societal pressures, we often find ourselves disconnected from the present moment and unable to fully engage in activities that bring us joy and fulfillment.

The relentless pursuit of success, status, and material wealth create a culture of competition and comparison, fostering feelings of inadequacy and anxiety that hinder our ability to enter flow states. Instead of pursuing activities that align with our passions and values, we may find ourselves trapped in a cycle of chasing external validation and societal approval, which can lead to a sense of emptiness and disconnection from our true selves.

Moreover, the pressure to constantly juggle multiple responsibilities and commitments can leave little time for rest, relaxation, and self-care, making it difficult to access the state of flow where we feel fully immersed and energized by our experiences. Instead of savoring the present moment and being fully present in our interactions, we may find ourselves preoccupied with worries about the future or regrets about the past, preventing us from experiencing flow in our daily lives.

Additionally, the prevalence of digital technologies and social media platforms can further exacerbate our sense of disconnection and distract us from meaningful activities that foster flow. Constantly checking emails, scrolling through social feeds, and consuming passive entertainment can leave us feeling mentally exhausted and overwhelmed, hindering our ability to focus and engage in deep, meaningful work.

Socially, modern lifestyles, particularly in urban areas, foster social isolation despite physical proximity, with busy schedules and digital distractions eroding meaningful human connections. Emotional detachment and a lack of empathy further fragment our interpersonal relationships, contributing to a sense of emotional emptiness.

Additionally, our detachment from nature and the Earth's ecosystems has led to environmental degradation and climate change, impacting our health, food security, and overall quality of life. As industrialization and urbanization accelerate, pollution, deforestation, and habitat destruction pose significant threats to our well-being and the planet's future. Addressing these interconnected issues requires a holistic approach that prioritizes connection, collaboration, and sustainable living.

Modern society can act as a significant barrier to finding flow, as it often prioritizes external achievements and distractions over inner fulfillment and presence. Overcoming these obstacles requires a conscious effort to cultivate mindfulness, set boundaries, and prioritize activities that nourish our soul and allow us to experience flow in our daily lives.


For some, the path to change is clear—a well-defined vision of the transformation they seek, supported by plans, strategies, and resources. They've reflected deeply on the dynamics they wish to improve and may even have concrete steps in mind to initiate this change. Armed with determination, they actively seek out tools and guidance to support their journey.

Yet, for others, the road ahead may appear hazy and uncertain. Without a solid idea of what needs to change, they may feel adrift, unsure of where to begin. They haven't delved into research, made purchases, or confided in others about their aspirations. In this state of limbo, hope for change can feel elusive, and the prospect of remaining stuck is disheartening.

It's a common experience for motivation to wax and wane on this journey. Moments of inspiration may be followed by periods of doubt or inertia. Yet, amidst these fluctuations, the underlying suffering of remaining stagnant remains constant. The pain of unfulfilled potential and unrealized dreams weighs heavily, regardless of whether one is actively pursuing change or feeling stuck in indecision.

Regardless of where we find ourselves on this spectrum, it's essential to recognize that change is a process, not an event. It's okay to feel uncertain or hesitant about taking the first steps. What matters most is the willingness to acknowledge our desires for growth and to take small, intentional actions towards realizing them.

The motivation to change may ebb and flow, but the suffering of not changing—of remaining trapped in patterns that no longer serve us—remains a powerful catalyst for transformation. It's a reminder that our potential for growth and fulfillment is boundless, and that every step, no matter how small, brings us closer to aligning with our truest selves.

Introducing a different path—one that diverges from the familiar routes of shame, self-criticism, and ego-driven excuses. This alternative journey is rooted in compassion, self-acceptance, and accountability, offering a gentler yet more empowering approach to personal growth and transformation.

Rather than succumbing to the harsh judgments of self-criticism or the temporary relief of making excuses, this path encourages individuals to embrace their inherent worthiness and acknowledge their capacity for change. It invites them to cultivate a mindset of curiosity and openness, where setbacks are viewed not as failures but as opportunities for learning and growth.

On this journey, self-compassion becomes a guiding light, offering solace in moments of struggle and providing the courage to face challenges with resilience and grace. Rather than seeking external validation or approval, individuals learn to find fulfillment and meaning from within, tapping into their innate strengths and values to chart their own course.

Accountability also plays a crucial role on this path, as individuals take ownership of their actions and decisions without resorting to blame or deflection. Instead of viewing accountability as a burden or punishment, it becomes a source of empowerment, driving them to take proactive steps towards positive change and personal fulfillment.

In essence, this different path offers a more sustainable and holistic approach to personal growth—one that honors the complexities of the human experience, celebrates individual strengths and vulnerabilities, and fosters genuine transformation from the inside out. It's a journey guided by compassion, authenticity, and a deep commitment to living a life aligned with one's true values and aspirations.


“Have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and do try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in very foreign language. Don’t search for the answer, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. The point is to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer.”

-Rainer Maria Rilke (1903)

Patience becomes our ally as we grapple with the unresolved aspects of our hearts and minds. Rather than seeking immediate solutions or clarity, we are encouraged to sit with the questions themselves—to regard them with reverence and curiosity, as if they were enigmatic rooms waiting to be unlocked or foreign books begging to be deciphered.

In this state of openness and acceptance, we relinquish the need for definitive answers. We recognize that some truths may elude us for now, and that's okay. The journey is not about arriving at a destination but about fully inhabiting the questions, allowing them to shape and enrich our experience of life.

By living the questions—immersing ourselves in their depths, exploring their nuances, and embracing their mysteries—we cultivate a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us. We learn to navigate uncertainty with grace and resilience, trusting in the inherent wisdom of the process.

And perhaps, as we surrender to the unfolding journey, we may find that the answers we seek reveal themselves organically, without force or coercion. They emerge gradually, almost imperceptibly, as we continue to live our way into them—nourished by the insights gained from living the questions themselves.

For it is in the pursuit of understanding, rather than the attainment of certainty, that we discover the true richness and depth of life.

Antoher world is not only possible, she is already on her way. On quiet days you can hear her breathing.”

-Arundhati Roy

If we take time to live the questions right, to live the questions more deeply individually and collectively, we will not only be able to hear the new world breathing, we will realize that with each breath we take we are paarticioants in networks of relationships that are giving birht to this new world.


We exist within intricate systems where cause and effect intertwine in diverse processes. By applying systems thinking principles and tools, we can achieve superior outcomes with fewer resources and in more enduring ways. Systems thinking operates effectively because it:

  1. Increases awareness of how we may inadvertently contribute to the very problem we seek to solve.

  2. Empowers us to initiate change from where we can have the greatest impact by reflecting on and adjusting our intentions, thoughts, and actions.

  3. Mobilizes us to take actions that benefit the entire system in the long term, rather than solely serving immediate self-interest.

  4. Helps anticipate and mitigate the unintended, negative consequences of well-intentioned solutions.

  5. Identifies high-leverage interventions that concentrate limited resources for maximum, sustainable, system-wide improvements.

  6. Motivates and supports continuous learning, fostering adaptability and innovation.

Through embracing systems thinking, you will learn to:

  • Address chronic, complex problems by eschewing conventional linear thinking in favor of systems thinking.

  • Apply systems thinking both as a set of principles and a specific array of analytical tools.

  • Integrate systems thinking into your personal and professional life.

  • Cultivate systems thinking as a way of being—a holistic approach that permeates your entire outlook and behavior, not just a mode of thinking.


I'm drawn to envision a world where individuals are more deeply connected to their inner selves, their communities, and the natural world around them. It's a world where people prioritize personal growth, empathy, and sustainability, fostering a harmonious balance between individual well-being and collective flourishing.

Flow by design

Now, introducing Flow Design, a transformative approach that embodies my vision. Flow Design is not just a methodology; it's a philosophy that infuses creativity and consciousness into the fabric of our lives. It serves as a guiding compass, illuminating the path towards a more purposeful existence and imbuing everyday actions with profound meaning.

At its core, Flow Design encourages introspection and reflection, prompting individuals to delve into their values, aspirations, and experiences. By weaving together insights from biology, ecology, community dynamics, and systems thinking, Flow Design offers a holistic framework for navigating life's complexities. It draws inspiration from the intricate patterns of the natural world and the timeless wisdom of philosophical inquiry, guiding individuals towards alignment with their true selves and the interconnected web of existence.

Through Flow Design, we aspire to catalyze personal transformation and societal change, fostering a world where individuals thrive in harmony with themselves, each other, and the planet. It's a journey of discovery, growth, and co-creation—a journey towards a more vibrant and sustainable future for all.

Flow by design

The Transfomational Journey

Cultivating flow in our daily lives as a way to reshaping our communities, institutions, and societies.